Healthy Vending Resolution

What did this bill do? This bill has ensured that healthy options would also be available throughout the region’s parks and recreation centers. At least 50 percent of items in machines will meet American Heart Association recommended nutrition standards for sugar, salt, fat and other measures.  Every drink machine will offer bottled water. The M-NCPPC is a bi-county agency that oversees a regional system of more than 1,700 parks and recreation facilities within Montgomery and Prince George’s counties, serving approximately 2 million residents. Why is this bill necessary?
  • Healthier options can help park visitors, children and adults alike, maintain the benefits of physical activity as they refuel and rehydrate.
  • Almost one in four children in Montgomery County and nearly half of youth in Prince George’s County struggle with maintaining a healthy weight, placing them at greater risk for developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions.