What will this bill do?
The Prince George’s County Healthy Kids’ Meals Bill (CB-071) is the first of its kind to include healthier comprehensive options for both food and drinks. It makes water, milk and 100% fruit or vegetable juice default beverage options for all kids’ meals served at Prince George’s County restaurants. It also ensures that food options in kids’ meals limit calories, sugar, salt and fat. Families will be able to order other beverage items upon request. The bill will improve health for county children by making the healthy option the easy choice.
Why is this executive order necessary?
- The children of Prince George’s County are becoming more at risk for developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease at alarming rates. The major contributing factor to these problems is the overconsumption of sugary drinks and unhealthy foods. These preexisting conditions can put people at higher risk of becoming severely ill after contracting COVID-19.
- Prince George’s County hosts a disproportionately large percentage of fast food restaurants. Prince George’s has a fast food density value of 0.83, which is in the highest 25% of counties.
- Studies have shown that greater fast food intake over a one-year period was associated with increasing weight status during that time in this preschool‐age cohort More than one-third of Maryland children age 10-17 are not at a healthy weight.