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Sugar Free Kids has a new secret weapon for you and your family: the Better Beverage Finder. Find 300+ healthy beverages available right here in Maryland: #BurpBetter
About a quarter of all teens has been diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes. How’s that for some scary news? #RethinkYourDrink. Check out
The typical 32-ounce Gatorade has 14 teaspoons of sugar which is the amount of sugar in 22 Starburst candies! Check out for hundreds of better choices! #RethinkYourDrink
Experts predict 1 in 3 children alive today will develop diabetes or “sugar” in their lifetime. How can we prevent this? Step#1= switch our drinks. Check out for hundreds of better choices! #RethinkYourDrink
Over 52% of Maryland teens report drinking at least one soda every day. Let’s #RethinkYourDrink.
Want better beverages for your family? @SugarFreeKidsMD's tool has hundreds of choices near you: #BurpBetter
Looking for healthy beverages in MD? @SugarFreeKidsMD’s Better Bev Finder is your one-stop-shop: #BurpBetter
The U.S. spends approx. $190 billion every year to treat obesity-related conditions, with childhood health care costs increasing (@PHAnews)
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